Halloween Party!I have the great pleasure of hosting this week's Carnivale of Couture. Last week I asked my fellow fashion bloggers to let me know what runway outfits they would wear as Halloween getups. I am amazed by the response; people found some incredible outfits. So who came to the party?
Fashion is a Verb starts with a lampshade costume, and moves on to some inspired by movies and books. Go see The Chronicles of Spice World, coming this summer from Disney!
Lin from Fashion Outlaw channels Final Fantasy and comes as a White Mage. I'm not sure what powers that involves, but I'm pretty sure it means she has mad video game skillz.
Shoelover looked to her flower garden for inspiration, after ruling out Funky Fashion Trolls and The Evil One.
Shoesense, on the other hand, goes right for Galliano to conjure up some evil spirits, and unwittingly references my new favorite movie:
Erin at A Dress A Day keeps J. Edgar Hoover safely ensconced in the past, but still frightens with linebackers and post-apocalyptic Scotsmen.
Clothesaholic brings a quartet of streetwalkers to the bash, no doubt accompanying
the Manolo's Harlequin Pimp!
ladies from Knickers wandered in inadvertently, dressed up as lingerie-clad storybook animals.
Ella from Kiss Me Stace arrived late and breathless, but frankly, my dear Ella, I don't give a damn!
If you didn't send me your post in time to make it into this entry, there is still time! Later today I will post links to all those who came fashionably late to my soiree, so email your posts to stylegraduate AT gmail DOT com.